Easton Caldwell


Easton Caldwell represents emerald green. He is the great and powerful Oz, provider of all the hope and power within the confines of the film but the man that holds the equilibrium between the head and the heart lets his selfishness and greed get in the way. The Firestarter sets ablaze to everything he knows when he unearths a legendary cursed manuscript for his next feature. Caldwell, the powerful Phoenix, comes out of his upward motion into his down whirl spiral with a surprising emotion of spring, casting upon his cast and crew a regenerated  grit. He is the one that comes with renewal and rebirth, daring those in his world to move. He envisions an orchestra conductor play the music in his head on how he wants things to be. It is his way or no way at all. As Caldwell enters the forbidden Eden, he calls upon the logic of his right hand yellow man and the pensive calmness of the lost blue child. It is here where Caldwell becomes burdened with the duality of right and wrong, an ethic he abides by but has to suppress. His insatiable need to conquer leads him to pawn those around him into a gamble he may soon regret.



Character: Easton Maxwell Caldwell

Character: Easton Maxwell Caldwell

Creation: Caldwell is a manic depressive director finds
inspiration in real life criminals that he begins to produce. The young hotshot Harvard graduate and film producer is the great-grandson of Theodore “Teddy” Caldwell, grandson of Raymond Caldwell, and son of Douglas Caldwell. In 1918, Teddy founded Caldwell Studios, the most successful movie studios in Hollywood. The handsome billionaire playboy is an early thirty-something driven slave runner who plants this town like his own plantation. Caldwell could have all the girls in his life, and he does, but he is in love with his old friend, Gemma Valentine. A tinge of hatred and jealousy has run through his relationship with Patrick Quinn. Despite all that inner animosity, Quinn is Caldwell’s most beloved and bankable movie director. Caldwell is the son of an oil heiress and a movie tycoon. He parades himself as a snobbish polyamorist director with a deep love for avant garde wild parties and cultish sadism. Caldwell is too far gone in his next project that he constantly blurs the lines between real life and the movies he makes, taking his muse and her husband into a sabbatical to torture them, all for the sake of a great lie concocted to destroy his rival. The art film that slowly becomes a portrait of Caldwell’s decadent life. With films like Marigold Playground, Behind the Red Shield,” and Mesmerized by Confusion, Caldwell is Tinseltown’s most eligible bachelor and yet he never got over Gemma. His next film, The Descent to Madness, puts him at risk of becoming just like like the demented and fragmented Patrick. They prey upon murder. His vision of Hollywood lies in the debauchery and the blurred lines of society. Caldwell’s controversial films help exasperate his status when his projects are both critical and financial blockbusters. Growing up, Caldwell was the spoiled wunderkind. His  unruly exterior left him prince of his own domain. He is a charismatic charmer who can shape and manipulate anybody to his hopes, dreams, and desires. He uses the cult of personality to form an allegiance to him. He studies people which is why he initially loves about film. He sees the the patterns of film and the objective techniques and methodology of cultivating an ideal through the fast pace medium of film, therefore, creating film under the guise to propagate his own agenda.

Caldwell wants nothing more than to show the world (in a lavish art performance) how people are sheep and can fall for something because of somebody else’s precognitive manipulation of their morals and beliefs, thus concluding in Caldwell’s theory that people can be altered and broken down. Once broken down, that all people are capable of evil. Caldwell throws lavish swingers parties and invites every important personnel that will funnel their blood money into his projects. He uses these sex parties as blood rituals for his ultimate art project, the destruction of his enemy. He performs the satanic rituals in order to pander to the rich and famous and test their limits, in hopes to expose them.


List of potential actors for Easton Maxwell Caldwell:

  1. Chris Pine
  2. Richard Rankin
  3. Armie Hammer
  4. James Wolk
  5. Jake Gyllenhaal
